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Our goal is to increase access to IV sedation in Scotland by allowing you to treat your patients, in
your own practice with a SedaDent sedationist.

Waiting lists for sedation in the public dental service are often extended and over this time the
patients can become more fearful as their teeth continue to deteriorate.

With recent studies showing that over 50% of adults in the UK have some form of dental fear or
anxiety, sedation can be an excellent tool to get patients over that final hurdle and into the
treatment they need.

So how does SedaDent come into the picture?

SedaDent is a mobile sedation service. This means patients can be treated by their own dentist, in
their own practice, with our friendly sedationist there to give a helping hand.

Our aim is to take pressure off the PDS, patients and dental teams by bringing dental sedation to your practice.

We have put this website together to allow a sedationist to be booked online, keeping things
simple for both dentist and patient.

About Us
Our Team

Meet the Team


Founder & Lead Sedationist

Dr. Christopher Jordan BDS (Dundee) PGDip RAD PGDip Ortho

SedaDent's founder is Dr Christopher Jordan.

Dr Chris graduated from the University of Dundee with BDS in 2017 taking a VT role in Forth Valley before moving to Fife to work in General Practice.


Chris has 2 main aims in dentistry - creating beautiful smiles and facilitating anxious patients in achieving their dental goals.

The idea of SedaDent started in 2019 when Chris began his sedation training and from there he saw an opportunity to bring IV sedation to more practices, and more importantly, to more patients.


He completed his IV sedation training and followed this up with training in hypnotherapy to further his expertise in the treatment of anxious patients.


SedaDent was officially formed in June 2022 in order to make sedation more available to the patients of Scotland.

The goal - facilitate patients to be treated under sedation in their own practice by their own dentist. 


So lets work together to make this dream a reality!


Everything from the booking process to communication from Chris and his manner and ease with our nervous patients is fantastic.


The experience is always seamless and efficient, which is why we utilise Chris's expertise on a regular basis.

Tammy Cardwell (TCO)

Cherrybank Dental Spa - Edinburgh

Chris is very calm , confident and engages well with the team and patients at the practice.

Explaining to clients how the the process will work is done with professionalism and care and clients feel safe and relaxed!

I totally recommend SedaDent and Chris' services and expertise to any colleague !

Vera Da Silva (Dentist)

Vitaliteeth - Edinburgh

Whenever it comes to sedation , especially for big complex surgical cases, SedaDent and Chris are my partner of choice.


Chris is professional, very good with the patients and the team.

Nikolaos Vourakis (Implant Dentist)

Cherrybank Dental Spa - Edinburgh

  • What services do we offer?
    SedaDent offers a roving sedation service using simple sedation techniques. I.e Single drug IV Midazolam sedation. In simple terms - we sedate and you get on with the dentistry
  • How do we introduce sedation to our practice?
    In order to begin providing sedation in Scotland your practice must undergo a sedation inspection either by your NHS Healthboard (if an NHS/mixed practice) or by HIS (if a private practice). We are happy to provide help and guidance with documentation and protocols that are required. Members of the team who will be involved in treating patients under sedation should complete ILS (Immediate life support) training which can be completed alongside BLS (Basic Life Support). Speak to your BLS training provider about this. Outside contractors are required to have a Practice Privileges Agreement to work in your practice. We can provide existing practice privileges agreements for amendment to suit you. An update to the Sedationists PVG is also required for your practice. SedaDent will cover the cost of the PVG update. We can help with documentation and advice.
  • How much does the service cost?
    Sedation is charged per patient and is charged at £350 for the first hour and £100 for every subsequent 30 min block. All fees should be quoted to the patient when discussing sedation as an option for them. Treatment time is charged from the booked start time until the time of patient discharge to their escort. The practice is invoiced directly for payment and this is paid via BACS.
  • How long does sedation take?
    The minimum appointment time is 90 minutes. It takes 10-15 minutes to cannulate and induce sedation. The patient will then need to be in the chair for a minimum of 1 hour for treatment and recovery. However we can sedate patient up to 8 hours for longer cases if required
  • Who do we treat?
    We will offer sedation to patients over the age of 18 and with an ASA score of 1 or 2 (fit & well or with a well controlled chronic illness). Sometimes we will sedate patients who are borderline ASA 3. Obese patients with a BMI >35 are not usually suitable for sedation in general practice and we become a bit more cautious with patients over the age of 75. If the patient is looking frail or unwell they may be unsuitable. Just drop us an email if you are unsure or have any questions.
  • How do I book?
    Please use the live calendar available on the website to book. If you have any problems or questions please feel free to email
  • Is there anything I need to do before I book a patient in?
    Roughly one week prior to the sedation appointment please have the patient attend the surgery and complete the baseline sedation sheet and sedation medical history documents. These can then be emailed to SedaDent for review. If the patient is not suitable for sedation in general practice we will let you know asap. We will make contact with patient 24 hours prior to their appointment to introduce the sedationist and answer any follow up questions. If the baseline and MH are not returned to us prior to the appointment and the patient is then unsuitable for sedation on the day - the baseline fee of £350 will be charged.
  • What do I need to supply?
    The practice must have a fully stocked emergency drugs kit and 2 full tanks of oxygen with a way to administer such as an oxygen mask or nasal cannula. All other materials and equipment will be provided by SedaDent.
  • What are the main things that patients need to know for sedation?
    Please provide the patient with their consent forms at their baseline assessment visit to take home and read at their leisure. These are to be brought back at their treatment appointment. If they have any questions they are more than welcome to email us for clarification. However the main points are - Sedation will not put them to sleep like a General Anaesthetic. They will just become very relaxed - A responsible escort must be available to take the patient home and be contactable throughout treatment. (No taxis or public transport) - There is no need to fast beforehand however we would advise a lighter meal - Do not do anything of responsibility for the rest of the day - No driving, signing legal documents, looking after children, cooking. Just have a relaxing day in front of the TV!
  • What happens if I have a longer treatment case or need a different time than what is available?
    Longer cases are no issue just let us know what you require via email. We have sedated cases up to 8 hours in the past.
  • What if I need to cancel or rearrange?
    Cancelling or rescheduling sessions can easily be done through your SedaDent profile however all effort should be made to give 7 days notice for cancellation or rescheduling. If the session is cancelled within 48 hours of start time, 50% of the base fee will be charged. If the session is cancelled on within 24 hours or on the day of sedation 100% of the session base fee will be charged. If there are any issues please get in touch.
  • What if the patient is unable to be sedated?
    In the circumstance that our sedationist is unable to find a vein then there will be no charge. If the patient is unsuitable on the day then the base fee will be charged at £350.

Thanks for submitting!


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